Leather goods factory located in Ubrique Spain specialized in leather goods with high quality finishes for luxury brands.
Supported by years of experience, we will put at your disposal all our know-how to make your luxury leather goods project walk in the right direction.
Our team of expert skin artisans will be at your disposal from the first step. You will have our advice to move forward in an agile and constant manner.
We have the information and suppliers of necessary materials to facilitate the creation of your collections of luxury leather goods. We will create the necessary samples for your compliance and satisfaction.
We are aware of how important everything is behind a great project. We understand that behind your project there are hours of work, dedication and enthusiasm. We have helped multiple brands and designers of recognized international prestige, we know the way forward.
If you are looking for a manufacturing partner for the start-up or creation of your exclusive line of high quality leather goods, look no further, you have landed in the right place. We will be happy to assist you and provide answers to all your questions.
Our leather goods factory is located in Ubrique, a town in southern Spain, known worldwide for its prestige and know-how in the world of luxury leather goods. We are proud to be recognized thanks to our history, thanks to the heritage that our ancestors and relatives delegated to us to continue offering the world the best leather goods.